DynaRoot Root Testing System


Penilaian stabilitas pohon biasanya dilakukan dengan uji tarik, namun metode ini memiliki kelemahan. Pengujian DynaRoot menawarkan solusi yang lebih akurat dan mudah dengan memanfaatkan beban angin nyata, meskipun membutuhkan cuaca berangin untuk pelaksanaannya.


  • Dynamic pulling test
  • Membutuhkan hembusan angin minimal 25 km/jam
  • Menggunakan angin nyata alih-alih mengunakan kabel
  • Karena pohon diukur dalam kondisi angin sebenarnya, jadi efek lingkungan sekitar, dan kondisi tanah semuanya diperhitungka

Catatan: terdapat beberapa peralatan yang tumpang tindih antara DynaRoot dan uji tarik. Jika Anda memesan keduanya sekaligus, Anda dapat meminta unit Dual Elastometer yang dapat diganti dan Perekam Inklinasi serta Deformasi Presisi Tinggi.

The DynaRoot system should be used on days with at least 25 km/h (15 mph) wind gust velocities. Setting up the measurement involves the following steps.

  1. Assemble the anemometer tower in the vicinity of the tree(s) to be assessed. Attach the anemometer on the top, and erect the tower. Wind velocity readings are sent to, and data is collected at the instrument box located at the bottom of the tower.
  2. Start recording data by pressing the START button located in the instrument box.
  3. Mount the inclinometer on the root collar of the tree to be assessed.
  4. Start recording data by pressing the START button located on the side of the instrument box.
  5. Repeat the previous 2 steps if you have more inclinometers and want to assess multiple trees.
  6. Record data for at least 3 hours (the longer the better).
  7. After the recordings are finished, transfer the acquired data to a PC by removing the internal SD card or by switching the instruments to Wi-Fi mode.
  8. Load the data into the DynaRoot evaluation software and calculate the safety factor.



Informasi Lebih Lanjut :

Whatsapp/Mobile Support :
0815-9072-797 (Mrs.Sri)
0812-9595-7914 (Mr.Parmin)

Phone : +62 21 8690 6777
Fax : +62 21 8690 6770
Email : sales@taharica.com
www.taharica.co.id I www.taharica.com

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